East Lothian has a broad range of accommodation to complement your golfing break. All are well geared to the needs of visiting golfers. Courses are so close together; you can stay in one property for the duration of your visit, centrally located for each course, yet close enough to Edinburgh to fit in some sightseeing.
Bayswell Hotel (Dunbar) https://bayswellparkhotel.com/
Broxmouth Park (Dunbar) https://broxmouth.com/
Carberry Tower www.carberrytower.com
Dunmuir Hotel (Dunbar) https://www.dunmuirhotel.co.uk/
Ducks at Kilspindie (Aberlady) https://www.ducks.co.uk/
Macdonald Marine (North Berwick) www.macdonaldhotels.co.uk
Nether Abbey (North Berwick) https://netherabbey.co.uk/
Royal Mackintosh Hotel (Dunbar) https://www.royalmackintosh.co.uk/
Schloss Roxburghe https://schlosshotel-roxburghe.com/en/hotel
The Open Arms (Dirleton) https://openarmshotel.com/
The Watchman (Gullane) www.watchmanhotel.co.uk
The Bonnie Badger www.bonniebadger.com
The Lodge at Craigielaw (Aberlady) www.craigielawlodge.com
Whitekirk Hill https://www.whitekirkhill.co.uk/
North Berwick Golf Lodge B&B www.northberwickgolflodgebb.co.uk
Fidra View (North Berwick) http://www.homeaway.co.uk/p818507
Canty Bay House (North Berwick) www.cantybayhouse.co.uk
Archer's Retreat (Gullane) www.crabtreeandcrabtree.com
Muirfield Green https://www.wearecreativeleap.com/en/destinations/muirfield-green
Thurston Manor Leisure Park www.verdantleisure.co.uk
Golf Around Scotland www.golfaroundscotland.co.uk
Golfbreaks.com http://www.golfbreaks.com
Spela Golf http://www.spela-golf.com
London Golf Tours http://www.londongolftours.com
Scottish Golf Tours http://www.scottish-golftours.com
Ayrshire Golf Tours http://www.ayrshiregolf.com
About the Area http://www.visiteastlothian.org
About Dunbar http://www.dunbar.org.uk
Scottish Golf http://www.scottishgolf.org
The Open Championship http://www.theopen.com
Fine Golf http://www.finegolf.co.uk
ClubGolf http://www.clubgolfscotland.co.uk
Golf Independent http://www.golfindependent.com